Monday, May 21, 2007

Hummer Season!

My season of driving Hummer tours has got off to somewhat of a rocky start. After finishing the final adjustments/repairs and prerunning trails all weekend, I had my first bonafide tour on Friday. It was a group of women who have been to Durango once before and liked the tour so much they decided to come back just to take a ride in the Hummer--no pressure there! The whole day went great until we hit the Test Track (an area with big inclines and off-camber obstacles that show what the Hummer can do). I had just finished climbing a steep ledge when the motor cut out. I realized immediately that I had forgotten to switch fuel tanks and the motor had run out of fuel. Priming the fuel pump and restarting the truck is not a huge deal on flat land, but with the nose pointing up in the air, I was pretty much dead in the water. After Jenn came to shuttle my people back to their hotel, I was able to finally get the truck started again. It involved winching the Hummer up hill with a snatch block pulley from my Jeep to a tree to the truck--then I had to use two jacks to lift the back end up enough to get fuel to the motor. In the end, I got back to town in time to bring the ladies back out and finish the tour (I'm not sure why the agreed to go back out with me!). I'm really hoping this experience was more of a final kink to smooth out as opposed to a foreshadowing of things to come!

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