Saturday, June 24, 2006

I'll be right back!

On Tuesday (the 27th) I fly back to Salinas to finish out my last two weeks at SVCC. One of the weeks is actually the Mission to Mexico trip with the high school students. I'm really looking forward to the trip. Mexico has been the highlight of my year for the past seven years in Salinas. I love watching the students bond and support each other and experience God in ways they never do at home.

I have to confess that I am experiencing a big range of emotion on going back. I am looking forward to the time with the kids, but I am feeling a great deal of anxiety and stress at the same time. I'm not exactly sure where it's coming from, but it's beginning to have an effect on me. My desire is to push past the anxiety and enjoy the time I have to bring closure to my time at SVCC. My prayer is that I am able to rest into a godly attitude that enables me to do that.

I've been working on our proposals on timing for starting CTK Durango and it is pretty fun. I honestly have no idea what this is all going to look like. Writing down a plan is like making a wish list for Santa Claus--I'm putting down all things I would love to see happen without the benefit of experience to tell me what will likely happen. Is this going to work? Are people going to want to be part of this community? Am I up to the task of leading in this endeavor? WE SHALL SEE!!! I guess I'll have to put that all aside for a couple weeks, but I'm anxious to hit it hard when I get back!

Friday, June 16, 2006

We're Here!

We made it! When all was said and done (and repaired or duct taped) we pulled into Durango on Wednesday the 14th about five minutes before we signed papers on our new house. It was a gruelling trip, but quite an adventure to say the least. The last few days have been spent moving our stuff from a storage unit into the house and trying to create a new life equilibrium for our poor kids. It's hard to believe that we're here to stay. The thing that has made it feel like a homecoming has been reuniting with Joe and Heidi who have been here for two weeks now. We all sit around the table and smile--there just aren't words to describe our excitement in following God's call so many months ago and seeing it all come down to this. We are exhausted, but anxious to start putting down roots in this incredible town!

By the way, St. George is actually a Mormon saint who definitely had nothing to do with our pilgrimage across the country. The Jeep, as it turns out, only had a cracked rotor in the distributor which was fixed easily and we were on our way (for those of you who are non-mechanical, imagine going to the doctor because you think you broke your arm and he tells you it's only a hangnail--good news!).

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Who's St. George?

Right now I'm really hoping St. George is the patron saint of fixing Jeeps on the cheap! I'm sitting in a hotel room in St. George, Utah about 600 miles from Salinas and 450 miles from Durango. A couple hours ago, I was driving along in my Jeep with Jenn and the kids following in the Suburban when I heard a loud explosion and Jenn said fire blew out the exhaust pipe. I got it off to the side of the road before it died and was able to get a tow to St. George of all places. I'll find out what the damage is in the morning, but I'm assuming it will take more than a minor adjustment to get us back on the road. We'll see what happens, but I have to say I'm feeling a little stress over this!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Prepare for Lift-off

Papers have been signed, carpets are being cleaned and bags are being packed...we're almost out of here! On Sunday, I pack up my family into the Jeep and the Suburban and we head to Colorado after church. We're taking it slow (three days) to save the vehicles and go easy on the kids, so we will arrive in Durango on the 13th if all things go as planned. I am excited about the trip, but sad to leave. My greatest struggle right now is that I am so overwhelmed with the details I end up feeling emotionally exhausted when the time comes to say goodbye. I am really hoping that people are able to hear and see how much we will miss them. It feels so inadequate to just hug and say goodbye--I wish there was some new word or gesture I could use that would really communicate my love for my students and the people in this church. It feels dry and awkward.

This reminds me of when I was sitting next to my four year old son as we pulled into Disneyland for the first time. He was trying to think of the words to describe how excited he was and he turned to me and said, "this breaks my heart". I know what you mean, buddy!