Friday, June 09, 2006

Prepare for Lift-off

Papers have been signed, carpets are being cleaned and bags are being packed...we're almost out of here! On Sunday, I pack up my family into the Jeep and the Suburban and we head to Colorado after church. We're taking it slow (three days) to save the vehicles and go easy on the kids, so we will arrive in Durango on the 13th if all things go as planned. I am excited about the trip, but sad to leave. My greatest struggle right now is that I am so overwhelmed with the details I end up feeling emotionally exhausted when the time comes to say goodbye. I am really hoping that people are able to hear and see how much we will miss them. It feels so inadequate to just hug and say goodbye--I wish there was some new word or gesture I could use that would really communicate my love for my students and the people in this church. It feels dry and awkward.

This reminds me of when I was sitting next to my four year old son as we pulled into Disneyland for the first time. He was trying to think of the words to describe how excited he was and he turned to me and said, "this breaks my heart". I know what you mean, buddy!

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