Monday, August 06, 2007

We're Expanding!

For quite some time now, we've had a small contingent of people commuting from Farmington, NM (about an hour) to CTK Durango. A couple months back, I started a small group that met in one of the families' homes during the week. We've come to the point where they are really beginning to share their experiences and love for God with the people around them in Farmington...the only problem is it is a lot to ask someone to drive an hour with you to worship. So, starting in the middle of September, we are going to evolve our small group in Farmington into a Cafe-level worship center. We're going to meet in a Spa/Billiards shop (I'll get pictures, but for now imagine a building that totally beats Pickles in the character department!). Part of this transition will mean advertising the new location, starting about three more small groups in Farmington, and me teaching there on Wednesdays in addition to Sundays in Durango.

Of course I'm excited about the prospect of becoming more available to people in Farmington, but the greatest thing about this new development are the people who are chomping at the bit to reach out to their community. I am really enjoying the process of them taking ownership and running full speed with this!

On a personal note, things are heating up a little at home looking toward the fall. Jenn starts teaching on the 15th of this month (August) and the kids start school the week after that. I will be shuttling kids around to their various schools and classes. Jenn is a little anxious about getting back in the classroom after about six years and I am still trying to squeeze another six to eight weeks out of this tour season with the Hummer (oh, and start a new CTK campus in Farmington). We are looking forward to some much needed help from family and friends as well as some good old fashioned godly grace as we navigate this next season!

1 comment:

NickW said...

So awesome Chip! A 2nd campus! Praise God for this development!