Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Camping with the Boy.

Yesterday afternoon, Oscar and I decided to go camping. We live about eight miles from our pick of over 20 campgrounds in the La Plata Mountains. We had a great time except that the raccoons got in the Jeep and ate our breakfast during the night. We hiked around and threw rocks in the creek. I am really enjoying the time I get to spend with Oscar these days. He is about to turn six and I am realizing that five and six were when I began to do things I can still remember. I remember my first A's game with my dad and grandpa, and pretending to be asleep at my desk in kindergarten so I wouldn't have to dance around the classroom.

We decided to leave the tent and stuff in the back of the Jeep so we can go back the next time we have a free evening! I hope these will be things he remembers for the rest of his life.

1 comment:

NickW said...

That's so cool Chip! It's hard to believe that OJ is almost 6!