Monday, July 24, 2006

The Road Gets Bumpy

This past week was a tough one. We're still trying to flesh out the details of our finances which is working, but an arduous process for an extreme non-detail person like myself. To add to the financial melee, Jenn's Suburban threw a rod on Thursday requiring a new motor (the one I sold for $200 before we left Salinas because I didn't want to haul it to CO would have worked fine). Friday night, since we were down to one car, I thought I would do a little work on the Jeep so it would be easier for Jenn to drive and I broke more parts trying to fix it--barely getting it together in time to drive to work the next morning. We're trying to keep our composure, but these events have been frustrating to say the least. Church last night was good for me as we are talking about provision and the reality that God's provision does not depend on my capacity to make the right choices so much as it relies on my faith in the God who has put us here and promised to care for his children and his church.

For those of you praying for us, we are trying to figure out how to replace Jenn's car for the moment balancing price and reliability. Mostly, I would appreciate your prayer for our perspective...for grace...for wisdom...for faith.

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