Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Johnson's Have A House!

It's true! Jennifer was successful in her mission of picking and buying our new home in Durango in three days over this past weekend. She managed to find a house that she really likes, fits our needs, has a large enough man cave (garage) for me AND fits in our price range. Perhaps one of the best features of this home is it's location in a great development surrounded by neighbors who we can get to know and may potentially be impacted by CTK. Peggy also put an offer on a home contingent on her Salinas house selling.

So, we have the Daniels moving on June 1st, I will be moving Jenn and the kids on the 14th of June and I will rejoin them on July 13th followed shortly by Steve the first week of August (Peggy will move as soon as her house sells--please pray that that happens soon!). We are all anxious to get there and begin construction of our new faith community. I feel a little like we are all jumping from a plane. We're jumping at different times, but all going to the same place--and I won't feel right until we are all safely on the ground!

We are still watching the support come in. So far we have an amazing group of people supporting us prayerfully and financially. Right now we stand at about 25% of what it would take to support us for the first year, so we could use prayer for more support and for quick hiring at new jobs in Durango for Steve and I.

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