Friday, October 10, 2008

Call Me Officer Johnson

Well, not exactly officer...but I do get a cool jacket and a flashlight! I've recently joined a group of volunteers at the sheriff's department called, Victim Services. The main idea is that whenever there is a death where family or friends are involved, the deputies need someone to be with the family/friend while they deal with the actual death scene. I'm looking forward to being able to help and I think it is very insightful for them to want "pastor-types" in this role since we deal with these issues as it is. I am a little anxious about taking on more trauma, but I think it will be worth investing in in our community.


Anonymous said...

CSI: Durango.

Anonymous said...

way to go deputy dog! But seriously that sounds like a great thing for you to be doing.

Anonymous said...

Way too creepy for me. There are dark woods around here fer shoot sake! I can see you sneaking up on the trailer covered in virginia creeper with the dog barking in the background. I am SOOO writing a book about you!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity to share God's grace! BTW, check out, their post on Stogie Theology! Praying for you guys up there in Durango!

Jon and Jan Huckins said...

are you gunna grow a sweet mustache??