Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Fishing with the Boy

Yesterday I took Oscar fishing for the first time. He's been with me before when I've been fishing, but this was his first time casting and reeling himself. We didn't catch anything, but he learned how to cast (with a real rod and reel) and reel in a spinning lure. We're going out again today. This spring and summer are going to be a lot of fun--Oscar can do so many things now that we will be able to do things together instead of him watching me have fun. If you know me at all, you know that this time of life has been one of my greatest aspirations. To run down to the river in the afternoon with my son casting lines and laughing when he has to poop in a plastic bag because we are too far from the bathroom! This is going to be one of those summers I will wish I could just wrap up and freeze in time.


Anonymous said...

sorry you have to teach your boy to fish in a real mountain stream, it would have been so much more meaningful for him to learn in a nasty storm water pond with imported fish

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, ha...Will is so funny! I think storm-water-pond-fishing is mostly fun because it makes people mad. I could be wrong.