Monday, December 10, 2007

New Digs

We just moved into our new office this weekend. We're moving for a couple reasons. One is that we have more space now for less money. Another is that we get to be across the hall from CJ and Sheila with Patrick Crossing--a similar ministry in town. CJ has been a real friend and mentor to me over the past several months. It will be good to have access to these guys--especially this summer when I lose my office-mate!

One of the best parts of the move is that I can look out my window to Smelter Mountian (one of the coolest hikes ever!) and room 222 of the Strater Hotel where Louis L'Amour wrote many of his books.


Anonymous said...

Dude! Sweet!

Anonymous said...

Chip, Glad to see you are working for Christ! Its been a long time since those crazy nights on the crazy it seems to think how important that levee could come to symbolize in our lives... anyway, this is Ryan K. Please feel free to write me at ANYTIME BRO! Cool? ITs been TOO loong!!! GOD Bless! -Ryan

Mary said...

Hi Chip,

Just came across your blog. Interesting read! I have recently started the website Access Durango, Colorado and plan on adding a religion section soon. Would you be interested in contributing articles, or even allowing me to reprint some of your blog postings? You can reach me at 259-9915.
